Jeff's Pictures

My life, as I see it, In picture form.
The pictures I've taken over the years. Many more to come. Please check back regularly.
My personal ART website:
2022 The pandemic rages on, people getting sick all over the place. So far, this year isn't shaping up to be all that great....


The pandemic rages on, people getting sick all over the place. So far, this year isn't shaping up to be all that great. At least we have pictures. And at…

192 images5 videos

2021 Pictures taken during 2021. I managed to get out some even with the pandemic still raging on.


Pictures taken during 2021. I managed to get out some even with the pandemic still raging on.

410 images2 videos

2020 -2016 Photos take in the range of years listed

2020 -2016

Photos take in the range of years listed

230 images1 video

2015 - 2006 Collection of photos and videos from 2015-2006

2015 - 2006

Collection of photos and videos from 2015-2006

1049 images2 videos

2005 & Earlier Fragments of the Past. Selected pics (highly "selected") from 2005 and earlier.

2005 & Earlier

Fragments of the Past. Selected pics (highly "selected") from 2005 and earlier.

724 images


New images