Pictures from the year 2019. The last year that was mostly sane.
Nicole's Graduation My daughter Nicole graduated from Oklahoma State with a Masters degree in Education something something... Close enough.

Nicole's Graduation

My daughter Nicole graduated from Oklahoma State with a Masters degree in Education something something... Close enough.

5 images

2019 Lakeland Fireworks The annual neighborhood fireworks display for the Lakeland Homeowners Association in 2019

2019 Lakeland Fireworks

The annual neighborhood fireworks display for the Lakeland Homeowners Association in 2019

7 images

Yellow Belt/Green Stripe William at Tae Kwon Do going for his Yellow Belt with Green Stripe.

Yellow Belt/Green Stripe

William at Tae Kwon Do going for his Yellow Belt with Green Stripe.

18 images

Tulsa Photo Shoot Went on a class/photo shoot put on by Bedford Camera in Tulsa OK. Afterwards, Catalina and I went to dinner.

Tulsa Photo Shoot

Went on a class/photo shoot put on by Bedford Camera in Tulsa OK. Afterwards, Catalina and I went to dinner.

7 images


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